Fresh start scheme for defaulting companies
As India is under lockdown for a week now, Ministry of Corporate
affairs launched a scheme “Companies Fresh Start Scheme,2020” vide circular dated 30th March 2020. The
purpose of the scheme is to give chance to the companies which defaulted in
filing mandatory forms with the Registrar of companies earlier and to make their
default good without paying the additional fees and thus bring back businesses to life. Basically, this scheme is for
condoning the delay in filing the forms which the company missed/ defaulted in.
Also, it enables inactive companies to remain on the register of companies with
minimal compliance requirements.
In addition to filing of belated documents/ forms, the defaulted
company can also file form for obtaining the status of Dormant Company without
paying additional fees.
Amid the Corona crisis, this is good news for defaulting
companies. Defaulting companies can opt for fresh start scheme starting from 1st
April 2020 until 30th September 2020.
Benefits of Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020
To waive off
additional fees
To grant immunity from
launching prosecution
To grant immunity from
proceedings for imposing penalty on account of delay associated with filings
Forms which can be filed under this scheme
eForm MGT 7 i.e.
Annual Return
eForm AOC 4 i.e.
Financial Statements
eForm PAS 3 i.e. for
Allotment of securities
eForm MGT 14 i.e. for
filing resolutions
eForm ADT 1 i.e for
appointment of Statutory Auditors
Any other forms
Please note that MCA is going to upload on 2nd April, 2020, a list of 76 forms which can be filed under this scheme
Please note that MCA is going to upload on 2nd April, 2020, a list of 76 forms which can be filed under this scheme
Forms which cannot be filed under this scheme
eForm SH 7 i.e. for
increase in Authorised share capital
eForm CHG 1, CHG 4,
CHG 8 or CHG 9 i.e. related to Charges
Eligibility Criteria to opt for this scheme
Any company which has Active status can take benefit of this scheme except in the cases
as below;
Companies which have
received final notice from ROC for striking off the name of the company
Companies which have
voluntarily applied for striking off their names from the register of ROC
Companies which have
amalgamated under the scheme of compromise and arrangement
Companies which have
applied for Dormant status already before the launch of scheme
Vanishing companies
Companies where there
is any increase in Authorised capital or charge related documents
Process to opt for this scheme
In order to take benefit of this fresh start scheme, the
inactive company is required to do the following steps
File belated forms
without paying additional fees; and
Apply for dormant
status or;
Apply for voluntary Striking
File declaration for
obtaining Immunity certificate mentioning the details of belated forms filed
(Like SRN, fees paid etc.)
There is no fees associated with CFSS form for getting immunity from prosecution and proceedings.
There is no fees associated with CFSS form for getting immunity from prosecution and proceedings.