Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Company name Guidelines

Reserving a name for a company or LLP is not an easy task nowadays, the Central Registration Centre
(CRC) is going through strict scrutiny and they generally don’t approve the proposed names so easily.
The CRC raises many objections not just for Reserve Unique Name (RUN) but also for the Incorporation
forms; in short one has to be very careful while applying for name or for company incorporation. If we
have to conclude the choice of name in one or two words then it would be “UNIQUE & INNOVATIVE” and
of course meaningful.
To make sure that your name gets approved follow below mentioned steps:
1. Check name availability with Ministry of Corporate Affairs
2. Check that your name doesn’t resembles any trademarks
3. It does not attract the provisions of the Emblems and Names (Prevention and Improper Use) Act,
4. Does not comprise of any offensive word
5. It represents the business of the company if the name has business activity in it. Prefix cannot be
business activity of the company.
The Ministry has elaborated the concept with illustrations which are represented here for easy
understanding, all the names under Column C are in one or the other way similar to names stated under
Column B and thus liable to be rejected
For selecting a name for your company, one should first go through the Rule 8 i.e. Undesirable Names of
The Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 which states that:
So this is how you can select a perfect name for your company. Once you have got approval on your
name, make sure to file the required forms within prescribed time limits.

Thursday, 14 March 2019



The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is under the procedure of making constant improvement in the law structure of the corporate sector,
There are laws for better compliances and also for reducing burdens on some sectors of the corporate world,
One such change being the introduction of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Amendment Rules, 2019, where exception to comply with rule 9A i.e. Issue of securities in dematerialized form by unlisted public companies of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 has been granted to an unlisted public company which is a Nidhi/Government/Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company
The rule states that
1.      Every unlisted public company shall issue securities only in dematerialized form & facilitate the dematerialization of all existing securities
2.      Company should make sure that entire holding of securities of its promoters, directors, key managerial personnel is in dematerialized form before issuing offer for issue of any securities or buyback of securities or issue of bonus shares or rights offer
3.      Every holder of security who intends to transfer securities on or after 2nd October, 2018 or subscribes to any security shall make sure that such security is in dematerialized form
4.      Every unlisted public company shall facilitate dematerialization of all its existing securities by making necessary application to a depository
5.      Every unlisted public company shall ensure that (a) it makes timely payment of fees (admission as well as annual) to the depository and registrar to an issue and share transfer agent ; (b) it maintains security deposit at all times, of not less than two years, fees with the depository and registrar to an issue and share transfer agent  ; and (c) it complies with the regulations or directions or guidelines or circulars, if any, issued by the SEBI or Depository from time to time with respect to dematerialization of shares of unlisted public companies and matters incidental or related thereto.
6.      No unlisted public company which has defaulted in sub-rule (5) shall make offer of any securities or buyback its securities or issue any bonus or right shares unless it has made good the default.
7.      Except as provided in sub-rule (s), the provisions of the Depositories Act 1996 the SEBI (Depositories and participants) Regulations, 1996 and the SEBI (Registrars to an Issue and share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 shall apply to dematerialization of securities of unlisted public companies.
8.      The audit report provided under regulation 55A of the SEBI (Depositories and participants) Regulations, 1996 shall be submitted by the unlisted public company on a half-yearly basis to the Registrar under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated.
9.      The grievances, if any, of security holders of unlisted public companies under this rule shall be filed before the IEPF Authority.
10.  The IEPF Authority shall initiate any action against a depository or participant or registrar to an issue and share transfer agent after prior consultation with the SEBI
11.  This rule shall not apply to an unlisted public company which is:-
a)      A Nidhi;
b)      A Government company or
c)      A wholly owned subsidiary
 With this, unlisted public company which is Nidhi Company / Government Company / Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company are done away with the requirement of dematerializing their securities under rule 9A of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014

Procedure and the Documents for the Issue of the Sweat Equity Shares by a private Limited Company

Corporate bodies, in order to increase their employee morale and to motivate them are heading towards various incentives / programmes; these ensure the satisfaction of their employees and make them more efficient,
One of such motivation tool is Issue of Sweat Equity Shares.
Section 2 (88) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“ACT”) defines "sweat equity shares" {It means such equity shares as are issued by a company to its directors or employees at a discount or for consideration, other than cash, for providing their know-how or making available rights in the nature of intellectual property rights or value additions, by whatever name called;}
We all are aware about Section 53 of the act i.e. Prohibition on Issue of Shares at Discount, where in general issue of shares on discount is void,
So we can say that, this issue of Sweat Equity shares (only to Employees and Directors) is exception to Section 53 and this is regulated by Section 54 of the act,
In Order to Issue Sweat Equity Shares One Should Check Whether

1.      The issue is authorized by a special resolution passed by the company, and also ensure that the SR is valid only for 1 Year, so allotment should be done within 1 year. The Resolution specifies the number of shares, the current market price, consideration, if any, and the class or classes of directors, or employees to whom such equity shares are to be issued.

2.      The issue is proposed to be made to Employee or Director ; where Employee means a permanent employee , a director  including whole time director , or an employee or a director of a subsidiary, in India or outside India, or of a holding company of the company

3.      In case of Listed Company, ensure that the issue of Sweat Equity Shares is in compliance with the SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002.

4.      The rights, limitations, restrictions and provisions as are for the time being applicable to equity shares shall be applicable to the sweat equity shares issued under this section and the holders of such shares shall rank pari passu with other equity shareholders

5.      Explanatory statement to be annexed to the notice of the general meeting contains the specified particulars [Rule 8 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014].

6.      The company has not issued sweat equity shares for more than 15% of the existing paid up equity share capital in a year or shares of the issue value of rupees 5 Crores, whichever is higher. Further it is to be ensured that the issuance of sweat equity shares in the company has not exceeded 25%, of the paid up equity capital of the company at any time.

7.      The Sweat Equity Shares to be issued are valued at a price determined by a registered valuer. A copy of the gist report shall be send to the shareholder along with notice of General Meeting

8.      If the shares are issued pursuant to acquisition of an asset, the value of the asset, as determined by the valuation report, shall be carried in the balance sheet as per the Accounting Standards and the amount of the accounting value of the sweat equity shares that is in excess of the value of the asset acquired, as per the valuation report, shall be treated as a form of compensation to the employee or the director in the financial statements of the company. The Accounting value shall be the fair value of the sweat equity shares as determined by a registered value.

9.      Where sweat equity shares are issued for a non-cash consideration on the basis of a valuation report in respect thereof obtained from the registered valuer, such non-cash consideration shall be treated in the following manner in the books of account of the company-
a)      Where the non-cash consideration takes the form of a depreciable or amortizable asset, it shall be carried to the balance sheet of the company in accordance with the accounting standards; or
b)      Where clause (a) is not applicable, it shall be expensed as provided in the accounting standard

10.  The Sweat Equity Shares issued are locked in / non transferable for a period of 3 years from the date of allotment. The fact and the period of lock in is stamped in bold on such share certificates.

11.  The amount of Sweat Equity shares issued is included as a part of managerial remuneration while calculating the limits, if the following conditions are fulfilled
a)      The sweat equity shares are issued to any director or manager; and
b)      They are issued for consideration other than cash, which does not take the form of an asset which can be carried to the balance sheet of the company in accordance with the applicable accounting standards.

12.  Details as per Rule 8(13) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 of the Sweat Equity shares are mentioned in the Director’s Report.

13.  The company is maintaining Register of Sweat Equity Shares in Form SH-3

14.  The Register of Sweat Equity Shares is maintained at the registered office of the company or such other place as the Board may decide.

15.  The entries in the register are authenticated by the Company Secretary of the company or by any other person authorized by the Board for the purpose.

Indicative list of documents to be checked:
ü  Minutes of Board Meeting
ü  Special Resolution with Explanatory Statement
ü  Minutes of General meeting
ü  Valuation Report
ü  Board’s Report
ü  Register of Sweat Equity Shares i.e. SH-3
ü  eForm PAS-3
ü  eForm MGT-14

MCA introduced Companies Significant Beneficial Owners Amendment Rules 2019

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”), vide their notification dated 8th February, 2019 have introduced the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners)Amendment Rules, 2019, to amend the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules,2018
The analysis of this amendment is presented herewith:-
Rule 3 and Rule 4 have been substituted with new Rule 2A, 3 and 4 which states that
Ø  Rule 2A cast an obligation on reporting company, to identify the significant beneficial owner in relation to that reporting company and cause him to make declaration in Form No. BEN 1
Also the reporting company is required to give notice to members holding not less than 10% shares/voting rights/ right to receive or participate in the dividend or any other distribution payable in a financial year, to provide information under Section 90(5) in Form No BEN-4
Ø  Now Rule 3 states that every individual who is a significant beneficial owner in a reporting company shall file a declaration in Form No. BEN-1 to the reporting company within 90 days i.e. by 9th May 2019 of commencement of the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Amendment Rules, 2019 (for person who already have beneficial interest in the shares of a company)
And if any person subsequently becomes a significant beneficial owner or his interest undergoes any change then he shall file about such change or acquisition of beneficial interest within 30 days in Form No. BEN-1 to the reporting company
It is hereby clarified that if any person becomes significant beneficial owner or his interest undergoes any change within the period of 90 days from commencement of this notification, it shall be deemed that such individual became the significant beneficial owner or any change therein happened on the date of expiry of 90 days i.e. (9th May 2019) from the date of commencement of said rules, and the period of 30 days for filing will be reckoned accordingly
Ø  Rule 4 has no change, the crux being same that on receipt of declaration under rule 3 by the company, the company shall file Form No. BEN-2 with the registrar within 30 days
Old content of Rule 3 and Rule 4
3. Declaration of significant beneficial ownership in shares under section 90
(1) Every significant beneficial owner shall file a declaration in Form No. BEN-I to the company in which he holds the significant beneficial ownership on the date of commencement of these rules within ninety days from such commencement and within thirty days in case of any change in his significant beneficial ownership.
(2) Every individual, who, after the commencement of these rules, acquires significant beneficial ownershin in a company. shall file a declaration in Form No. BEN-I to the company, within thirty days of acquiring such significant beneficial ownership or in case of any change in such ownership.
4. Return of significant beneficial owners in shares.
Where any declaration under rule 3 is received by the company, it shall file a return in *Form No. BEN-2 with the Registrar in respect of such declaration, within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of declaration by it, along with the fees as prescribed in companies (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014.

Rule 7 and Rule 8 have been substituted with new Rule 7 and 8 which states that
Ø  Rule 7 allows the reporting company to apply to the Tribunal to
                                 i.            restrict the transfer of interest attached to the shares;
                                ii.            suspend the right to receive dividend or any other distribution;
                              iii.            suspend the voting rights; and
                              iv.            any other restriction on all or any of the rights attached with the shares;
For the shares of the person who fails to give the information required by the notice in Form No. BEN-4 or where the information given is not satisfactory
Ø  Rule 8 states that these rules shall not be made applicable to the extent of shares of the reporting company if such shares are held by
                                 i.            the authority constituted under sub-section (5) of section 125 of the Act
                                ii.            its holding reporting company: Provided that the details of such holding reporting company shall be reported in Form No. BEN-2
                              iii.            the Central Government, State Government or any local Authority
                              iv.            A reporting company, or
A body corporate
An entity
Controlled by the Central Government or by any State Government or Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments;
                                v.            Securities and Exchange Board of India registered Investment Vehicles such as mutual funds, alternative investment funds (AIF), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Infrastructure Investment Trust (lnVITs) regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India,
                              vi.            lnvestment Vehicles regulated by Reserve Bank of India, or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, or Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
Old content of Rule 7 and Rule 8
7. Application to the Tribunal
The company may apply to the Tribunal in accordance with sub-section (7) of section 90, for order directing that the shares in question be subject to restrictions, including -
(a) restrictions on the transfer of interest attached to the shares in question;
(b) suspension of the right to receive dividend in relation to the shares in question;
(c) suspension of voting rights in relation to the shares in question;
(d) any other restriction on all or any of the rights attached with the shares in question

8. Non-Applicability.
These rules are not made applicable to the holding of shares of companies/body corporate, in case of pooled investment vehicles/investment funds such as Mutual Funds, Alterative Investment Funds (AIFs), Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs) and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (lnvlTs) regulated under SEBI Act.

We have some shuffling/new additions in the definition part also, i.e. Rule 2, while there are some new definitions added and some have been reshuffled
The definitions can be extracted from
Old content of Rule 2
(b) "form" means the form specified in Annexure to these rules;
(c) "registered owner" means a person whose name is entered in the register of members of a company as the holder of shares in that company but who does not hold beneficial interest in such shares;
(d) "section" means a section of the Act
(e) "significant beneficial owner" means an individual referred to in sub-section (1) of section 90 (holding ultimate beneficial interest of not less than 10%) read with sub-section [10] of section 89, but whose name is not entered in the register of members of a company as the holder of such shares, and the term 'significant beneficial ownership' shall be construed accordingly;
Explanation l. - For the purpose of this clause, the significant beneficial ownership, in case of persons other than individuals or natural persons, shall be determined as under-
(i) where the member is a company, the significant beneficial owner is the natural person, who, whether acting alone or together with other natural persons, or through one or more other persons or trusts, holds not less than 10% Share capital of the company or who exercises significant influence or control in the company through other means;
(ii) where the member is a partnership firm, the significant beneficial owner is the natural person, who, whether acting alone or together with other natural persons, or through one or more other persons or trusts, holds not less than 10% of capital or has entitlement of not less than 10% of profits of the partnership;
(iii) where no natural person is identified under (i) or (ii), the significant beneficial owner is the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior managing official;
(iv) where the member is a trust  (through trustee), the identification of beneficial owner(s) shall include identification of the author of the trust, the trustee, the beneficiaries with not less than 10% interest in the trust and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership;
Explanation 2.  lt is hereby clarified that instruments in the form of global depository receipts, compulsorily convertible preference shares or compulsorily convertible debentures shall be treated as shares' for the purpose of this clause;

Ø  Is any mandatory obligation casted on the reporting company regarding declaration of beneficial interest?
Yes, Rule 2A cast an obligation on reporting company, to identify the significant beneficial owner in relation to that reporting company and cause him to make declaration in Form No. BEN 1
Ø  Mr. A, acquired beneficial interest in XYZ limited on following dates, the last date by which reporting needs to be done is tabled along
Date of Acquiring interest
Last date to report such interest
Reporting to be made by
Reporting to be made to
31st December, 2018
9th May 2019 (90 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
3rd January, 2019
9th May 2019 (90 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
8th February, 2019
9th May 2019 (90 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
25th February, 2019
8th June 2019 (within 90 days, so 9th May, 2019 + 30 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
5th March, 2019
8th June 2019 (within 90 days, so 9th May, 2019 + 30 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
9th May, 2019
8th June 2019 (within 90 days, so 9th May, 2019 + 30 Days)
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
11th May, 2019
10th June 2019 (within 30 Days )
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company
20th May, 2019
19th June 2019 (within 30 Days )
Individual Acquiring Interest
Reporting Company

Ø  What if you acquire beneficial interest or undergo any change of such interest after 90 days of commencement of this rule?
Then you have to file declaration within 30 days of such change .

Ø  What if you acquire any interest or there is any change in the beneficial interest within the period of 90 days?
Then your date of acquisition of such change or change in interest will be deemed to be occurred on the expiry of 90th day and 30 days of reporting will be counted accordingly .

Ø  What would be your answer if you already acquired beneficial interest before commencement of this rule?
Then you need to report such acquisition before expiry of 90 days of commencement of this rule.

Ø  Within how much time the company needs to report about such declaration to the registrar?
Within 30 days of receipt of declaration from the concerned individual.
A table for relevant forms for easy reference is provided herewith

Form Number
To be filled/issued by
To be filled to
Declaration of significant beneficial ownership in shares
Significant beneficial owner
Company in which he holds the significant beneficial ownership
Return of Declaration received by the company
Reporting Company
Register of significant beneficial owners
Notice seeking information in
accordance with under sub-section (5)  of section 90
Reporting Company
Any person (whether or not a member of the company)
ü  a significant beneficial owner of the company
ü  having knowledge of the identity of a significant beneficial owner or another person likely to have such knowledge;
ü  to have been a significant beneficial owner of the company at any time during the three years immediately preceding the date on which the notice is issued,
And who is not registered as a significant beneficial owner with the company as required under section 90.